
clockWith daylight saving time hitting the United States this month, I’m feeling jolted and off-kilter. It takes me weeks to adjust to the time change, especially when I’m traveling across multiple time zones.

Springing forward with the clock always seems to come at a time when I have so much to do! Do you agree?

When we feel worn down and short on time, we must prioritize! This can be hard, especially if we aren’t used to doing it. Here are three tips that will help you focus on what’s most important at work:

  1. Identify your top 3. Create a list of your three biggest priorities. Review this list every day and validate the top three before digging in. This applies to our requirements as well. To maximize the value you deliver, keep the most important requirements top of mind every day.

  2. Avoid multitasking. Give yourself “focus time.” Find a few hours each day to start (or continue) a complex task that you have been procrastinating. I know feels good to knock off the low hanging fruit, but so does getting a solid start on something even bigger. Who knows, maybe it won’t be as bad as you thought it would be! You won’t know until you try.

  3. Strengthen relationships. When projects get stressful, remind yourself that the work we do is about relationships, trust and teamwork. Stress is a lot easier to get through when these three components are intact. Be sure to make time for yourself and your colleagues. Grab lunch together, laugh and make work fun!

If your team is feeling pressure to prioritize, I can help! Contact me for training and consulting options that will get your backlog in order and keep your team moving in the right direction.