
Interested in modernizing your requirements practices? Whether your team is waterfall, agile or somewhere in between, these three tips will help you get you started: 

Get up! Get out of your cube! Get on the phone! Talk to key stakeholders and users FREQUENTLY. Engage with them in ways that go beyond their stated requirements and help them learn and discover requirement gaps. Discuss details and help them see and analyze the future. 

Let Requirements Evolve
Stakeholders need time to think, process and adapt. Great requirements analysts guide stakeholders through an elicitation process that uses visuals to develop shared understanding and high level requirements, before diving into details.
 Once the high-level shared understanding is created, no matter what approach, we can more efficiently work on the details and avoid spin, rework and frustrating requirements meetings.

Prioritize by Value
Requirements will never be perfect! Focus your time and energy on the requirements that bring the most value to your stakeholders. 
Understanding the potential value of the sprint, iteration, enhancement, or release will create an efficient requirements process. Balance value, risk, and resources to get the most important requirements in good shape!